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5 Ways to Be More Involved as a Parent

5 Ways to Be More Involved as a Parent

Do you find yourself second guessing parenting decisions and worrying that you are not doing enough for your kids? Parenting is the most meaningful, divine, and terror inducing experience that may ever happen to anyone.  Many people find it easy to become a parent,...
The Art of Sensitive Boys

The Art of Sensitive Boys

What are Sensitive Boys? Sensitive boys are the ones at tee-ball who spends their time building bird nests and telling the outfielders all about their pet guinea pig.  The boys at the library who shun comic books in favor of a story of a lost baby ducky.  Boys who cry...
Anxiety and its Symptoms

Anxiety and its Symptoms

Anxiety and its Symptoms One of the most common challenges people face is anxiety. Anxiety and its symptoms, however, are rarely discussed. People who suffer with anxiety avoid talking about their symptoms because they don’t want others to think they are...
Why Kindergarten Social Skills Decrease as We Age

Why Kindergarten Social Skills Decrease as We Age

Kindergarten Social Skills If you are thinking about challenging yourself to be more involved in your kids’ life and improve your social skills, I would completely recommend volunteering in your child’s Kindergarten class.  Seriously, nothing will make you question...

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