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Books Available!

We are excited to offer you our published books!

We have books available for purchase now as well as some upcoming resources.  Please join mailing lists to be notified when they are available!


Fight For Survival


Mental torture…destruction…devastating mind games…

Have you experienced these? Are you looking for a way out of psychological manipulation?

Fight for Survival: Undermining Psychological Warfare is a real-life guide to understanding and surviving the destruction that chronic psychological manipulation can wreak on your wellbeing. This book will help you to:

  • Recognize patterns of psychological abuse
  • Understand the factors that help psychological manipulation run rampant
  • Learn concrete coping skills to survive exposure to chronic psychological manipulation
  • Become empowered and validated through learning you are not alone


If you want to be one of the first to know when Fight for Survival is available for purchase, let us know by sharing your contact information below!

That Pesky Pickle


That Pesky Pickle is every kid’s favorite superhero!  He loves adventure, is afraid of almost nothing, and totally believes in himself (well, kind of).  Join him on his exciting journey to discovering how cool being yourself is and what it really means to be brave.


See the link below to order this splendiferous children’s book!

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Are you as excited about the Pesky Pickle as we are?! Enter your information below to be put on our notification list, and we will send you an email when he is available for purchase!

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