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The Six Stages of Christmas with Young Children

The Six Stages of Christmas with Young Children

Christmas can be such a magical time of year, but it can also be a time that stretches our capabilities. As a parent during the holidays, I always feel the need to design the “best” experience every year for my kid and my family. I latch on to this season like it’s...

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The Healing Power of Jesus

The Healing Power of Jesus

2019 has been a year of extreme testing and extreme blessing for me.  One of the areas I have been experiencing a lot of testing in is health.  I won’t share all the details, but I do have a couple of very stark examples that will give hope to others.  Hope to not...

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The Science Behind Anxiety and Weighted Blankets

The Science Behind Anxiety and Weighted Blankets

Anxiety is a thief.  It steals our peace, our joy, and our health.  My anxiety steals my sleep, so I decided to explore for myself the connection between anxiety and weighted blankets. This post may contain affiliate links (which means we may earn a small commission...

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Bag Worm Circus

Bag Worm Circus

Gardening as a Coping Skill for Anxiety? Gardening and yard work have been promoted as coping skills for a host of mental health conditions. Horticulture can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and even restore cognitive functioning. The idea has merit, but probably...

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Stop Judging, and Start Sharing Genuine Emotions

Stop Judging, and Start Sharing Genuine Emotions

Flags at half mast are a sign of respect, mourning, or distress.  They give an immediate visual that something has been lost, that something significant was sacrificed. Why can’t we, as humans, learn ways to put metaphorical flags at half mast to show others we are...

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