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Resources and Tools

Below are links to some of our favorite resources and tools

Resources for Your Mental Wellness

Below are some free resources we offer to help you improve your mental wellness!


  • Is Stress Hurting You? Infographic on the damage that chronic stress can inflict on your body.
  • God’s word is clear on protection available to believers.  Use our Verses of Protection card to remind yourself of the protection He offers.
  • Looking for a quick way to improve your wellness? Try our 5 Tips to a Better You resource!
  • Achieve your goals more quickly by understanding how to motivate yourself! Use our Stages of Change resource to help!
  • Journaling is an excellent way to improve mental wellness! Try our Mindfulness Writing Prompts as a journaling exercise!

Professional Resources

At Anxiety Be Still, we love to find community partners who share our mission!  We know it can be hard to find professionals you can trust with the expertise you need.  We have included some of our favorite professional resources below to help you!


  • Objective Zero Foundation – enhancing social connectedness and access to wellness and mental health resources to combat suicide within the military community.
  • Spirit of the Bear – reflexology, herbs, supplements, consultations with personalized recommendations and 1-on-1 health coaching
  • Feels Like Home – inspiration and practical tools for your mental, physical, and spiritual health.
  • Be Inspired – helping you live an abundant life.

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